Posted: September 13th, 2017

Hox and Pbx Factors Control Retinoic Acid Synthesis during Hindbrain Segmentation

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



1. Must be on the primary research article attached, which is based on experimental data. A review article is not acceptable for the paper.

a. The paper must NOT be only based on genomic sequence analysis data. 

b. the paper must NOT be a case study paper on atempt to establish a statistical linkage between a gene variation and a genetic condition/disease. An example of such paper is a study to try to find gene variations related to autism using families affected by autism. This type of paper is not discussing the genetic mechanisms.

c. The paper must be data rich.

d. You should refer the the figures in the paper by stating them (ex. in Figure 3.1 …)

e. You should explain all the experiments and show an understanding.

f. The paper should be a summary of your article discussing the background,experiments and significance of the research article!!!

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