Posted: September 16th, 2017

HST1183 Health, Societies and Sustainability;

HST1183 Health, Societies and Sustainability;

Annotated Bibliography 1
Elements of Task

(a)    Correct referencing format used
(1.5 mark)
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2015). Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved, 22nd March,2015     from
(b)    Relevance of article for developing a sociological perspective on chosen health issue
(1.5 mark)       This academic source demonstrates the connection between obesity and socio-economic status of the individuals with a focus on Australian adults. It is found that the health and wellbeing of adults are influenced by several factors. These risks factors related to obesity include tobacco smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, physical inactivity and poor diet and nutrition. By having the Australian statistics with regards to obesity, it supports this association hence need for change.
(c)    Concise and accurate summary of theme of article/report
(1 mark)
The theme of the website is to provide influential information and statistics that lead to promotion of better health and the well-being of individuals who may be at risk of obesity particularly the adults. The information provided regarded the burden of obesity in Australia.

(d)    Useful evaluation of credibility of source and/or author
(0.5 mark)

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website is maintained and updated by the Australian government. This provides credible and accurate information about the statistics of the health and welfare status in Australia.
(e)    Useful comparison or contrast of this work with 1 of the other 4 sources in this assessment
(0.5 mark)
(NB Additional marks awarded for accurate spelling and grammar (0.5 mark), and use of template (0.5 mark)     The information on this website is similar to the information in the second article. Information from both sources shares the concept of socio-economic disadvantage is accountable for increased obesity cases amongst the Australian adults, particularly physical inactivity.

Annotated Bibliography 2
Elements of Task

(a)    Correct referencing format used
(1.5 mark)
Montgomerie, A. M., Chittleborough, C. R., & Taylor, A. W. (2014). Physical Inactivity and Incidence of     Obesity among South Australian Adults. Plos ONE, 9(11), 1-7. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112693
(b)    Relevance of article for developing a sociological perspective on chosen health issue
(1.5 mark)      I find this article relevant to my understanding of the influence of social determinants such as physical exercise to obesity. In this article, obesity has been related to an increase in premature deaths and certain conditions that result to adverse effects in the quality of the lives of the adults.
(c)    Concise and accurate summary of theme of article/report
(1 mark)
The major theme of the article is to assess the relationship between the incidence of obesity and physical inactivity among the South Australian adult population.  Therefore, physical exercise must be continuously encouraged in the adult population of its health related benefits. It was found out that there is an association between incident obesity and physical inactivity. However, the association was lessened when the models were modified for social-demographic factors and risk factors.
(d)    Useful evaluation of credibility of source and/or author
(0.5 mark)

This is a credible and reliable source since it is a peer reviewed article. Moreover, the authors of the article are professionals in the disciplines of medicine and public health at the University of Adelaide in Australia. Two sources were used for data collection in the study with one being cross-sectional relying on retrospective but self-reported data while the other source was from a longitudinal cohort study. This entailed following the same kind of individuals over time.

(e)    Useful comparison or contrast of this work with 1 of the other 4 sources in this assessment
(0.5 mark)
(NB Additional marks awarded for accurate spelling and grammar (0.5 mark), and use of template (0.5 mark)
It was found that the article findings were similar to the information obtained from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website since physical inactivity was shown to be one of the risk factors of obesity amongst the adults. Contrary to the website which provided information about the relation of several risk factors, this academic source contains information about the association between obesity and physical inactivity alone.

Annotated Bibliography 3
Elements of task

(a)    Correct referencing format used
(1.5 mark)
Renzaho, A., Wooden, M., & Houng, B. (2010). Associations between body mass index and health-related     quality of life among Australian adults. Quality of Life Research: an International Journal of     Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation – Official Journal of the International     Society of Quality of Life Research, 19(4), 515-520.
(b)    Relevance of article for developing a sociological perspective on chosen health issue
(1.5 mark)      I found this article significant in enhancing my understanding of the how the health relate quality of life (HQoL) impacts the body mass index (BMIs) of adults in Australia. The article explains that despite the fact that overweight and obesity are related to decreasing the level of the physical and emotional well-being, the worsening in the health status is clearly demonstrated in physical than the social and emotional perspectives.
(c)    Concise and accurate summary of theme of article/report
(1 mark)
This article is about health related quality of life and its association to the body mass index of individuals. In this article, survey data comprising the short form -36 questionnaires, weight, and height were collected from the nationally representative sample of 9,771 of Australian adults. The findings showed a decrease in HQoL scores with the degree of obesity. The worsening in the health status was more pronounced in the physical perspective as compared to mental, social and emotional dimensions.

(d)    Useful evaluation of credibility of source and/or author
(0.5 mark)

This is a credible academic source since it is a peer-reviewed journal with the authors having wide-ranging experience in Public health research and social research. Primary data for the height and weight of the participants was collected by use of a questionnaire. The distribution of the BMI scores was found to compare significantly well to other self-reported survey data as indicated in the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2004 to 2005.

(e)    Useful comparison or contrast of this work with 1 of the other 4 sources in this assessment
(0.5 mark)
(NB Additional marks awarded for accurate spelling and grammar (0.5 mark), and use of template (0.5 mark)     The hypothesis in this article was not fully confirmed since overweight and obesity were related to decreasing levels of physical and emotional well-being. However, the worsening in the health status was more consistent in the physical dimension as compared to the other perspectives. The study shows that there is a similarity between the findings in this article and article 2 in relation to physical activity since obesity in the two articles has been explained in the physical dimension. The results in the academic source correspond with other studies (Wiczinskin et al., 2009)

(2 marks)    In completing this assessment, I have learnt significant concepts about obesity and the impact of social factors. I have also learnt about the relevance of body mass index (BMI) and how it can be used in evaluating whether an adult individual is obese or not. The quality of life of individuals has an influence on the degree of obesity. Factors including poor diet and nutrition and inadequate physical activity have been linked to increased cases of obesity amongst the Australian adults. Moreover, I have learnt that obesity is still a chronic disease in Australia as it is associated with other adverse health effects. Therefore, there is need for adjustment in the social factors associated with obesity.

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