Posted: January 31st, 2015

Human Factors in Aviation

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Assignment        Guidelines (70%)

Human  Factors  in          Aviation – M02EDM

December 2014

1 Overview

The       assignment       is         an        important         part     of        this      module’s assessment     scheme.           It            counts  70%

towards the       overall mark.    You       are       required           to        read     carefully           the       brief     provided            and       address

the        best     as         you       can      a          certain number            of        key       areas.   In         order   to        prepare your      arguments you

should   also      read     the       material            provided            in          class,    use a    couple   of         reference            books and         outside

sources,            and       perform research            on         the        topic     in          order    to         support your      arguments.

Read     widely   as         much    as         you       can,      some    references         like:

  • “Human Factors in          Aviation”, – Eduardo       Salas     and       Dan      Maurino.
  • “Human Performance on         the        flight     deck”    – Don    Harris
  • “The Human contribution”      – James            Reason

Assignments      are      individual work that       should  reflect  your opinions. You        should  therefore

restrain from    copying            and      pasting material           from    the       internet            or        other    sources            in         order   to

construct           your      arguments.        Assignments      are       checked            for       plagiarism         as         part      of            the       submission


2 Learning         Outcomes

The       Part      1          of         the        assignment        covers   the        module  learning outcomes          1          and       3.

The       Part      2          covers   the        module  learning outcomes          1,         2,         3          and       4.3 The Assignment

For       both      parts     what     is          desired  is          that       you       give      your      opinion  about    both      parts     and            support the

assignment        with      your      own      new      ideas.

Part      1 – 25%

Part      2          – 45%

4 Marking          Criteria

The       marking            criterion            for        this       assignment        is:

  • Analyse and answer  to         the        question            – 40%
  • Evidence of topics    covered in          the        module  – 30%
  • New ideas – 10%
  • Additional reading – 5%
  • Good organization of         ideas,    clarity   of         the        message           – 5%
  • References – 5%
  • Presentation Lay-out – 5%

5 Submission     and       Deadlines

Assignments      plus     cover   sheets  must     be        submitted         to        the       MBA      Registrar,         in            accordance        with

the        deadlines           and       rules     established for   this effect.

6 Length

In         terms   of         effort,   I           expect   a          3,000 word        written  report (6           to         8          page            report). The       3000     word

target    includes            headings,         main    text,     references,       annexes,          tables,  charts  and      any      other

additional          elements.

The       assignment       should  be        written in         a         business-style    report  format rather    than     following            a

typical   academic          essay   format. I          expect  to        find,     above  else,    good    coverage of the key      areas

based    on        sound/logical    business           arguments.       I          also     expect  to        find      evidence          on            the       use      of

references/ bibliography.            Because            this       module  is          part      of         an MBA Programme,      I            expect   students

to         use       tables,   charts   and       other     visual    elements           to         support their      views    and       analyses,            since     these

are common      practice in          all         business            environments.

7 Writing           the        Assignment

The       assignment        should   follow    a          certain  structure,          containing,         at         least,    five       important            parts:1. Introduction

  1. Objectives
  2. Analyses
  3. Addressing the key areas
  4. Conclusions

References        and Bibliography

8 Assignment

Part      1

We       are       facing    a          new      generation         of         aviation professionals,    and we  need     to         be            focused on         initial

assessment       and       recruitment,       to         achieve the        best      profiles  for        the        job.

Give      your      opinion  about    the        best      profile   criteria  for        aviation professionals and           based    on         what

we        have     focused            during   the       module; give     your      critical   evaluation         of         workload            methodologies

to         be         employed          in          the        aviation Industry.

Reading Material

Part      2


For       the        Aviation Security students

Regarding          the        new      challenges         in          Aviation Security,            give      your own           ideas     about            these    questions:

“How    human  factors  can       be         used     to         address priority  aviation security issues?”

“New    threats  like       cyber    terrorism           and       cyber    Hacking,            has       emerged           how      your            country is          dealing

with      this,     and       how      do         you       see      the       human  factors interaction         regarding         this            issues,  give      your

own      ideas     and       also      suggestions       for        the        future    and       development      for        aviation security:”

“           The       future    of         Explosive           Trace    detector?

“           How      do         you       see       the        Human  factors  interface            in          a          new      era       of            cyber    terrorism,          and       give your

contributions      for        the        next      years,   regarding          for        example            the        2020     World    Expo,    what            new      types

of         threat    you       will       face      and       how      to         deal      with      it.?SAFETY

Make    your      critical   evaluation         of         CRM      and       other     systematic         failures  based    on         the        final            report   on

the        accident            relating to         the        statement          below:

“Colgan Air       Flight   3407,   marketed         as        Continental       Connection       under   a         codeshare

agreement         with     Continental       Airlines,            was     a         Bombardier      Dash-8 Q400,   registration

number N200WQ,          on         a          scheduled          regional airline   flight     from     Newark,            New      Jersey,  to

Buffalo, New      York.    On        February           12,        2009,    at         10:17    p.m.      EST,      the        plane    crashed into            a

house    in          Clarence            Center,  New      York,    after     experiencing      an         aerodynamic      stall.[1] All

49         people   on         board    were     killed,    along    with      one       person  in          the        house.”

Reading Material

Final     Report   from     Accident            Investigation      Branch  available           on         Moodle  to         read.


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