Posted: April 13th, 2015

Human Resource Management;

OL 211 Human Resource Management;

Term Paper (150 points)

Select a topic in the area of human resources (i.e. selection, recruitment, performance appraisals). The objective is to develop an in depth knowledge in one area that is of interest to you. Special attention should be placed on the role and challenges of human resources in today’s organization. Make sure your topic is specific and addresses a relevant HR topic.

Paper Structure:
(1)    Cover Page. Include the title of paper, your name, course, and date.
(2)    Introduction. Describe the structure of your paper and the human resources topic that you chose to focus on and why.
(3)    Literature Review. Describe the current research regarding the human resources topic you chose.
(4)    Discussion. Discuss your topic and the relevance.
(5)    Solution. Make research-based recommendations to help organizations implement your solution to the HR problem or issue.
(6)    References. A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles is required. Papers that do not have a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles will not receive a passing grade.

Paper should be a minimum of 8 pages not including cover and reference pages. Number your pages. Follow APA format for your paper. Use Times New Roman 12pt font, 1” margins, and double-spaced. The paper is due before class 4/23/15 and is to be submitted through Turnitin via Blackboard. Late papers will not be accepted. For additional information follow the rubic for research paper.

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