Posted: September 13th, 2017

Human Resource Management

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Thoroughly read the assignment brief before beginning please. and please include all of the dot points that have been listed in the brief and need to be included in the essay. Please use australian references when possible. and follow the structure of the essay they have also provided in the brief.

Assessment Brief – Essay Scenario:

Alpha Kindergartens started with just one centre in Victoria which has rapidly grown to 100

franchises across Australia within the last 5 years. The company CEO is Marc Jones, who

employed his wife, Jenny, to look after all the HR needs of the organisation. Jenny, has no

HR experience but is eager to learn.

The organisation has recently been losing customers because parents were not happy with

the services offered across the Alpha Kindergartens’ centres, citing some staff did not have

proper training and knowledge when dealing with their kids. Overall, morale is very low at

present amongst the employees, and rumour of different pay scales has driven a culture of

envy and fear amongst the staff.

You have been hired by Marc to research and present findings on Human Resources

Management and the importance of having proper job analysis, specification, descriptions

and advertising so that Jenny can turn the company around. You are to present your findings

through an essay.

Task notes – Your essay should be written in 3rd person and must include:2

HEP: HEP: 4375/CRICOS Provider Code 00246M

HRM101A Essay T3.14

 Define Human resource management and how recruiting and selecting can help to

achieve the organisational goals, using relevant examples where appropriate.

 Define recruitment and selection backed with appropriate examples.

 Critically discuss the importance of job analysis, job specification, job descriptions, job


 Research and prepare an outline of the interview process for Alpha Kindergartens

 Outline the importance of background checks

 Discuss the effect of poor recruitment decisions

Structure of Essay

Introduction – The introduction should provide the outline of the essay and give the reader a

clear understanding of how you are going to answer the question.

The Main Body – Each paragraph of the body must have a clear topic sentence which

carried the main idea of that paragraph. The rest of the paragraph should then relate to and

support the topic sentence. To develop your argument you should use ‘signal words’

throughout your essay. Signal words let the reader know the connections between parts of

the essay and the transition from one point to another.

The conclusion relates the main points or arguments made in the essay, and the major point

of view is summarised.

Please ensure your essay:

 covers the 2 relevant learning outcomes

 addressed HR theory principles discussed in this subject

 is 1500 (+/- 10%) words long (length as a guide only)

 submitted electronically in Word format, Arial font, 12 pt., 1.5 line spacing

Use of Harvard referencing with In-text references as well as a full reference list, according

to Think Academic Skills Guide3

HEP: HEP: 4375/CRICOS Provider Code 00246M

HRM101A Essay T3.14

Structure: Excellent Good Average Not

adequate Poor

3 2 1.5 1 0

Clear and purposeful

Well organised, logical

Appropriate length

Appropriate structure for type of




Style: Excellent Good Average Not

adequate Poor

3 2 1.5 1 0

Academic language is clear and


Free of grammar and spelling errors

Good paragraph structure

Overall presentation



Referencing: Excellent Good Average Not




4 3 2 1 0

Use of varied sources

Recognised referencing style

Recognised reference/bibliography


Quality of sources used




Excellent Good Average Not

adequate Poor

10 8 6 4 0

Was the topic/question addressed?

Mature understanding of material

Understanding of what is important

Independent thought used

Define Human Resource


Outline the importance of Human

Resource Management planning

and describe the key elements of

staff selection and recruitment


HEP: HEP: 4375/CRICOS Provider Code 00246M

HRM101A Essay T3.14



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