Posted: September 13th, 2017

Human Resources Management-Starbucks Human Resource Practices

Human Resources Management-Starbucks Human Resource Practices

Order Description

Starbucks Human Resource Practices Supporting Differentiation or Prospector Strategy
[All the items in this section must link back to one of the three factors that makes Starbucks high performing, i.e. Health, Growth, Leadership]
Focus on Quality and TBD
Strong capability in R&D & engineering
Reputation for quality or technological leadership
Strong marketing abilities
Need to attract highly skilled labor, scientists or creative people
HRM Practices Linked to the Prospector Strategy
Workflows (HR Planning)
Job classes, work planning
Examples (1-2)
Recruitment, selection decisions, hiring and socialization of employees, applicant fit with organizational culture
Examples (1-2)
External training, Broad skills, Cross-functional training
Examples (1-2)
(Questions that professor provided in tonight’s class)
Based on the company’s business strategy and objectives, what are the core KSA’s that the company values and what training programs provide employers with these KSAs?
How is the company keeping employees’ KSAs current or relevant for the future
How does the company evaluate that they have spent their training dollars well?
What kinds of career development opportunities are there in the form?
Performance Management
Appraisals, Evaluations, Developmental Tools
Examples (1-2)
Pay decisions, base pay
Examples (1-2)
Legal Issues (Employee Relations)

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