Posted: September 13th, 2017

Human Resources Staffing

Human Resources Staffing

Task: Conduct a job analysis by interviewing a subject matter expert (someone of your choosing) about the person’s job. Supplement the information with additional materials (on-line O*NET, formal job description). Your job analysis should contain the following components:
1. Job Description (see your text for the appropriate info to include in a job description)
a. Task Analysis – You will need to generate a list of tasks performed on the job based on your interview. Use your text or outside sources as well as my guidelines below to write appropriate task statements… these are very specific and should include one action, one object, and one outcome each
b. You must have a minimum of 10 task statements
2. Job Specification – You will need to include any requirements (education, prior experience, etc.) as well as write KSAOs based on your interview
a. You need to generate a separate list for knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics – these should be derived from analyzing task statements and examining requirements
b. Remember: KSAOs should tie directly back to task statements, otherwise why are they needed? Listed KSAOs are characteristics an individual must have in order to successfully complete the tasks listed in the Job Description. For example if a task is to “Load boxes onto assembly pallet” then it is reasonable to list an ability of “lifting and moving objects”… if a job does not consist of manual labor tasks, then you would not need that ability to perform the job
Product: Each student should complete a typed job analysis report. You may use info from O*NET to supplement your interview, such as reviewing suggested KSAOs, tasks, descriptions… however you should write the Job Analysis to the person you’ve interviewed.

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