Posted: March 10th, 2015

human sexuality issue 4

human sexuality issue 4

Issue: Conceiving Children

There is now a booming trade in “reproductive tourism”. Clinics in India are using local women to have foreigners’ babies. These local women have been referred to as “wombs for rent”. Surrogacy costs about $12,000 in India compared to about $70,000 in the US. Is this another example of third-world exploitation? What are your thoughts about this phenomenon? Explain your answer.

Requirements and lehman access to library
•You substantiated your opinion by incorporating information from the book and peer-review journal articles in your first message and in your response to a classmate. For information about how to access full-text professional journals online or how to contact a Lehman College librarian for help with this, please click on the LIBRARY RESEARCH button on the left.

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