Posted: September 16th, 2017

Human Sexuality Sexually transmitted infections.

Human Sexuality Sexually transmitted infections.

Order Description

1. Compose an annotated bibliography consisting of 10 journal articles each.
My choose is
Sexually transmitted infections.

The following rubric will be used to evaluates,
In ALL assignments, only SCHOLARLY sources are acceptable–peer reviewed journals as found in the ESC Online Library, and other
scholarly texts and books.
I. Description of your topic, problem, or research findings. (9 pts.)
a. Provided a review of the relevant literature
b. Described the focus of each section of the assignment, and if applicable, addressed comparisons among multiple approaches.
c. Identified key aspects of the topic, problem, or research findings.

II. Critique of your findings (9 pts.)
a. Identified any “gaps” present in the topic, problem, or research findings and how they affect you overall theme.
b. Justified the importance of each section of the paper or project–i.e., how does it contribute to knowledge gained from this assignment?
c. Assessed each section’s usefulness in explaining your research question and assertions.

III. Organization & other logistics (7 pts.)
a. The paper or project was of an appropriate length to explain and analyze your focus and theme.
b. The paper or project was well written or presented, and clearly organized (introduction, body, conclusion)
c. The paper or project advanced a clear central thesis
d. The paper or project was professionally presented and free of typographical, spelling, grammatical and/or verbal errors.
e. The paper or project highlighted aspects of this study in a way that complimented class discussions & readings

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