Posted: March 3rd, 2014


Use a source (or sources) and your textbook to explain the meaning of “myth” as it is discussed in your textbook. Your explanation should show your understanding of attribution, citation, and APA style. After your explanation, provide a complete bibliographic entry (APA style) for each source you used.

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As you reflect on this prompt, remember that myths are not stories that present untruths; rather they are stories that present a perceived truth or a way to understand mysteries that science cannot explain. Think, for instance about Adam and Eve and about the “great flood” that appears both in the Bible and in Gilgamesh. In responding to this prompt, you can explain how ancient myths still matter to us, or you can explain modern myths (Star Wars?) that relate to us and our world.  Be sure that the source or sources you cite are credible scholarly sources.

Textbook references;

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