Posted: September 13th, 2017

Humanities-Western Culture

Humanities-Western Culture

We focused on much that was bad in the Middle Ages. What are some positive things we could learn from medieval culture?  300-350 words no plagiarism please

2.  Go online and look at the following three Renaissance portraits:

1. Jan van Eyck, Man with a Red Turban (1433).
2. Domenico Ghirlandaio, Old Man with His Grandson (c.1490).
3. Raphael, The Woman with a Veil (1516).

Pick one portrait and write a short descriptive paragraph about it. What Renaissance values do you see displayed in this painting? How does this portrait illustrate the concept of individuality that emerged in the Renaissance? Your answer should be brief (350 words firm) and does not require any outside research. No plagiarism please

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