Posted: September 13th, 2017

HyperStar Supermarket 2

HyperStar Supermarket 2

Order Description

This is a report based on data analyze.
here is the guide line for you to finish this paper.

a) Identify Data Elements
b) Describe the Audience for your Data Visualisation
provide a brief Story Outline of the Dataset (50 words)
c) Describe at a high level what types of charts you might use to display the data
d) Finally, describe any data ethics considerations there is with the data you intend to use.

HyperStar: National Survey of Stores
The data in this database all relate to the end of the same financial year for all supermarkets.

Random Sample of 150 HyperStar Supermarkets, Year Ended June 30, 2014

Variable Name and Description:
Sales $m:    Total Sales revenue for each supermarket for the financial year. $ million.
Wages $m:    Total Wage and salary bill for the financial year. $million.
No. Staff:    The number of effective full-time staff employed on a weekly basis.
Av. Wage:    The average annual wage/salary per effective full-time staff member.
Location:    Strip: Or typical street shopping centre in a major town or city
Mall: Large complex or shopping center or mall in a major town or city
Country: Town of 20,000 or fewer inhabitants
State:    New South Wales (NSW)            Western Australia (WA)
Victoria (Vic)            Tasmania (Tas)
Queensland (Qld)            Northern Territory (NT)
South Australia (SA)            Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Age (Yrs):    The number of full years of operation of the store.
GrossProfit:    Gross Profit for each supermarket for the financial year. $ million.
Adv.$’000:    Advertising and promotional expenses for the financial year, $’000
Competitors:    The number of competing supermarkets in the consumer catchment area
HrsTrading:    The total number of hours open for trading per week
Sundays:    Open on Sundays; Close on Sunday
Mng-Gender:    Male store manager; Female store manager
Mng-Age:    Age of the store manager, years
Mng-Exp:    No. of years of experience in some form of junior/senior management at Belladonna
Mng-Train:    No. of management training courses taken while employed at Belladonna
Union%:    The proportion of the staff at the supermarket which belongs to a union.
Car Spaces:    The number of parking spaces available to the supermarket.
Online Channel    Whether or not the supermarket has an online store channel.
Basket:2013    Cost ($) of the basket of food items in each store at 1 June 2013
Basket:2014    Cost ($) of the basket of food items in each store at 1 June 2014
OnlineSales$m    Sales revenue from Online Sales Channel. $ million.
Wastage    Levels of wastage (unsold stock): low, medium, high.

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