Posted: February 10th, 2016

I am a independent financial advisor who have had discussions with the board of directors of the company XYZ plc. In doing so, I have identified the following key areas which need to be addressed.

I am a independent financial advisor who have had discussions with the board of directors of the company XYZ plc. In doing so, I have identified the following key areas which need to be addressed.


In a firm XYZ plc. there is little understanding of the role of a financial management with other directors, and I feel that this limits their ability to make sound decisions regarding shareholder wealth maximization,

No strategy for source of capital and little understanding of managing cost of capital,

And also large projects are invested without proper investment appraisal.

How can we report to the board of directors key principles and concepts in the above areas and discuss techniques by which the company may improve performance?

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