Posted: December 3rd, 2014

Identification of Company’s Current Strategic Issues and Recommendations ;

Identification of Company’s Current Strategic Issues and Recommendations ;

This final paper must be individually prepared and turned in on the day of the scheduled final exam. It may be thought of as a take-home exam as you will be asked to apply the concepts from the course to make recommendations for the company that you have been studying during the semester. This paper is different from the first two papers in that it is NOT a research paper but a thinking paper. It is in this paper that you will be using the data that you collected in the group research papers to arrive at a clear understanding of the company’s situation and then propose your strategic recommendations for the company. Think of this paper as the deliverable you are providing to the company for which you have been the consultant. In essence you are saying “I have performed a study of your company’s situation and have identified a number of alternatives. After an analysis of these alternatives, I identify what I believe is your beststrategic option or options.” Again, see the evaluation form that I will be using to grade your paper under Course Documents on BeachBoard. It should include, in the following order:
1.    A title page. Not included in the page limit.
2.    A Table of Contents. Not included in the page limit.
3.    A brief (one page or less) summarization of the findings of the first two papers to establish the logic and justification for the options/strategic alternatives you develop and the final recommendations you make. This summarization should NOT simply cut and paste from the first two papers. You must find your own words to present this material in a way that highlights what is most relevant. Any paper that is more than 10% of the words of previous papers may receive a zero for the paper. This summarization lays the groundwork for the rest of the paper.
4.    A section in which you identify the current strategic issues that you have been able to identify following your team’s research on the company’s external and internal situation. According Thomas E. Ambler, “A Strategic Issue is, first of all, an issue – an unresolved question needing a decision or waiting for some clarifying future event. Secondly, it is strategic and has major impact on the course and direction of the business.” ( Strategic issues identification is the necessary first step before considering alternatives that the company could pursue. They are at the heart of the business. The identification of strategic issues should come from an assessment of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that you have distilled from your previous two papers. It is not simply a restatement of the SWOT. Strategic issues are the major problems, challenges, or opportunities presented to the organization which will have the greatest impact on the company’s future success.
For this paper, I just identity several strategic issues: digital wearable watch. Lifestyle. Licensing stakeholders
5. A section in which you identify the various alternatives available to the company that it should consider pursuing based on sections three and four above and the use of the alternative-generation matrices in Chapter 6 of your text. You should consider several different alternatives as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each including how well they would address the strategic issues you have identified in the previous section of your paper. They should be based on what your readings suggest would be appropriate given the company’s industry and competitive position – the issues facing the company. You must use two alternative-generation matrices: 1) the SWOT Matrix and 2) either the SPACE or GRAND STRATEGY Matrix to develop alternatives. Reference these matrices in your discussion. Alternatives identified using the SPACE or Grand Strategy matrices should be made specific for your company. For example, if the SPACE matrix shows that market development should be considered as an alternative for your company, you should identify which market(s) should be developed in your alternative and what would be required to implement that market alternative. A good paper will normally attempt to identify at least 6-10 strategic alternatives although this might not always be possible. Keep in mind that the value of the matrices in identifying alternatives will be as great or as little as the thought behind their creation.
6. A section in which you identify, based on section five above, your strategic recommendations for the company. Note: “strategic” refers to actions that will have a MAJOR impact on the company. The completion of one or more QSPMs, will be instrumental in helping you arrive at your recommendations and justifying them. It is appropriate to generate more than one QSPM when you can see that your alternatives fall into logical groups and that it is appropriate to evaluate the alternatives in a group against each other rather than against others you have generated. See chapter 6. You should discuss the main implementation issues (such as resources required, time involved, or people concerns, etc.) as discussed in chapters 7 & 8. This paper is due at the beginning of the final exam period. Because this is a “thinking” paper and not a “research” paper, your use of cites should be minimal. Again, the value of the QSPM is only as great as the judgment that goes into creating it.
7. An Appendix: Not included in the page limitation. All matrices should be placed in the Appendices but referred to in the body of your paper.
Type Fonts,Spacing,and Margins. Students should setype fonts with pitchesthatcomparefavorably in size to Times New Roman and be between 10 and 12 points. Obviously, documents using 10 pitch fonts will give students more room to include more data. All margins must be no smaller than one inch.
Maximum Length. The length of the paper’s body may be no longer than six double-spaced typewritten pages. Any material that goes beyond the maximum page length will not be read and will be assumed to be missing.
Headings. Students should use headings for each of the named sections so that what is being covered in the section is clear to your professor. This comes under “organization.” Turnitin. This paper must represent your personal original work and submitted to Turnitin. Any paper that uses the words of former students who have taken this class, will receive one percentage point deduction for each percent of the words borrowed. If, for example, Turnitin shows that 17% of your paper’s words come from a former student who has been kind enough to lend you his or her paper as a model, your final paper will automatically lose 34 points – the equivalent of nearly two letter grades. And, of course, this paper must not plagiarize from other resources. You could receive a zero or fail the course if you plagiarize!
Please remember: your final paper will not be accepted if it is more than 24 hours late. A final paper that is more than 30 minutes late, will, without a compelling excuse, be graded down at the rate of 20% of the possible points. This includes turning the paper into Turnitin. After 24 hours, the late paper will receive a zero. Students who are unable to get their final papers done on time because of some compelling reason that can be well- documented, should see the professor about taking an incomplete.


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