Posted: September 14th, 2017

Identify the relevance of the mission, SMART objectives and hierarchy of strategies for UNE Life

  1. Identify the relevance of the mission, SMART objectives and hierarchy of strategies for UNE Life.
  2. Identify the industries in which your UNE Life will compete by assessing the Porter’s five competitive forces and highlight the appropriate conditions for the strategic fit of prospector/analyser/defender/reactor strategies.
  3. Discuss the market and industry attractiveness through macro and micro level analyses in order to address the strategic challenges of the UNE Life’s business.
  4. Briefly discuss the relevance of the marketing research for the strategic decision-making of the UNE Life’s business and identify the influence of product, pricing, distribution and promotion policies on marketing decisions.
  5. Describe the significance of the overall segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategies for the SportUNE.


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