Posted: February 11th, 2016

Identify your goals and objectives. How will you measure your objectives? How will your plan affect your work/life balance?

Identify your goals and objectives. How will you measure your objectives? How will your plan affect your work/life balance? What trends in the workplace, economy, and marketplace do you need to be aware of that could influence your plan?

Examine the critical skills and competencies required to achieve success. What transferable skills do you have and how can these skills be leveraged if you decide to take a different career or life path? How can your professional experience help you plan for the next 5 years of your career?

What career-related training, formal education, and/or certifications do you need to help meet your career goals? Would it be helpful to join and participate in a professional association? Would it be useful to you to have a mentor?

List job satisfaction attributes. What specific work environment attributes would provide satisfaction?

While not a research paper, your paper should include at least three academic references.

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