Posted: August 4th, 2016

ill the company reduce gender discrimination? Will it make us more competitive in the market?

. I will need a management dilemma question. My initial one was: What could the company do to reduce Gender discrimination? (Comment was, needs to be stronger) My investigative questions are: Will the company reduce gender discrimination? Will it make us more competitive in the market? Will it reduce turnover? Will it improve employee satisfaction? Solutions are: Train employees Finance ( gender incentives and force policies) and I need one more. Everything needs to flow. For example: my question of “will it reduce gender discrimination by training employees? and giving incentives and putting policies in place. or Will it make us more competitive in the market by training etc… How is it good for business? If you create policies might not be good people might want to leave etc… scholar articles, previous findings related to my paper etc. The paper has to be no more than 2500 words. Intro is 10% Discussion on Management dilemma question 10% Discussion of investigative question / research approach 15% Evaluation of research/ alternatives 20% Recommendation to management 25%

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