Posted: March 16th, 2015

Imagine you are employed as a teacher in an education setting where the management has decided to cut back on the inclusion of science within the curriculum.

Imagine you are employed as a teacher in an education setting where the management has decided to cut back on the inclusion of science within the curriculum. Write a report to the management team that outlines the importance of integrating science content, processes and concepts for children aged 0-3 years of age. This report is a useful way to articulate the values and relevance of science in early childhood and primary education.
Include the following headings:
1. Executive summary: a short, clear summary of the whole report.
2. Table of contents
3. Introduction:
•    Introduce issue and outline the key aspects of your report.
•    Include a rationale for why you think science is important in the early years of learning.
4. Key points:
• Include points 1 – 3 outlined in the assessment criteria.
5. Conclusion:
• Short summary of key points.
• Recommendations for the management team about how and why science can and should be included in the early childhood curriculum.
Assessment criteria
1. Summary of importance of teaching science content, processes and attitudes.
2. Inclusion and explanation of science categories (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environment) with examples of relevant conceptual understandings and learning for infants and toddlers.
3. How science is described in the Australian Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework (although infants and toddlers are not included within the Australian Curriculum it will strengthen your argument to understand the continuum of science education expectations from birth to Year 12).
4. Depth and breadth.
5. Academic expression

Marking Criteria:
1. Summary of the importance of science content, processes and attitudes(25%) -> Identifies the alignment with science content, processes and attitudes and the benefits these have on teaching young children.
2. Consideration of science categories and examples of conceptual understandings and learning for infants and toddlers (25%) -> Chosen examples demonstrate acknowledgement of science concepts, set high expectations for young children’s learning and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the categories for teaching science.
3. Report is informed by the Australian curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework (20%) -> Deep thinking that integrates principles and ideas from the curriculum documents into your arguments and rationale.
4. Depth and breadth (20%) -> All of the elements have been completed and demonstrate a high level of pedagogical understanding. Recommendations include a deep understanding of the importance of integrating science content within the early childhood education context.
5. Academic expression (10%) ->  Report is clear, well-structured and easy to read. Relationships between concepts are clearly explicated and easy to follow.
There is evidence of independent learning and the understanding of writing conventions such as how to use personal pronouns. The writing is free of any errors with grammar, spelling and expression.
APA referencing has been adhered to consistently.


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