Posted: September 17th, 2015

Impact of the French Revolution

The Age of Jewish Emancipation; Political Debates; Impact of the French Revolution; Napoleon and the Paris Sanhedrin

In 3-5 pages (about 900-1500 words), address the following sets of questions:
1. Who wrote the document, and for whom was it written? What does this suggest about the point of view reflected in the document?
2. Why was the document written, and what form does it have? A document’s purpose and form (e.g. legal opinion, a treaty or prohibition, personal diary, minutes from a meeting, newspaper article) will affect the sorts of material it contains and might cause a systematic bias.
3. How do author, audience, purpose, and form relate to the event or phenomenon that the document describes? Was the author in a position to have reliable knowledge of the event or phenomenon? Does the form permit accurate reporting? Does the author have any reason to avoid telling the truth as he or she saw it?
4. In conclusion, how reliable do you think this document is? What other kinds of documents would you want to examine to corroborate its claims?
All of these questions are interrelated; your paper should not be a simply a list of answers to individual questions, but a coherent essay with an introduction and conclusion. It might help to think of the paper as an introduction to the document in a collection of sources (but a longer introduction than those provided by the Mendes and Flohr primary source reader).
Papers must be typed, double-spaced. You must use footnotes to cite sources for any facts or interpretations that you take from reference works.
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