Posted: August 27th, 2013

impact that CSS has on usability and efficiency

Paper instructions:
SEPARATE FIRST ESSAY FROM SECOND ESSAY WITH REFERENCES. The two essays should equal about a page total
In a Microsoft Word document, write a short essay on the impact that CSS has on usability and efficiency. Castro and Hyslop mentioned that CSS brings about “flexible, powerful, and efficient” design, but they do not go into detail fully explaining their reasoning for these CSS design traits. In your opinion, which e-book in the Capella online library offers the best explanations of how CSS is “flexible, powerful, and efficient”? What explanations are given that can help designers more fully understand the capabilities and improvements brought about with the advent of CSS coding? Cite specific examples that illustrate the points that you feel are important.
To prepare for this assignment, do the following:
Complete the reading for the week.
Research this topic and include at least three references from articles, books, or Web sites to support your paper.
Once completed, submit your error-free, APA-compliant paper for evaluation.
In a Microsoft Word document, write a short essay on the role of color in usability and how it can be used from both a cognitive and affective perspective. In this essay, your submission is not limited to color in relation to CSS. Rather, learners can describe all aspects of color that play an influential role in Web design. Consult and cite passages from e-books in the Capella online library that support your opinions and findings.

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