Posted: March 15th, 2013

Imperialism on Jews

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Theory: what is the theory or the theory/idea that you are trying to prove?
Synthesize how one of the theories (imperialism or colonialism) is being used in relation, to the problem/premise.

Synthesize the main theories used in the reading. If reading presents a particular philosophy, ideology, or pedagogy, synthesize how they are using their theory.
If reading is using a particular framework, describe how it is being used in relation to their problem/purpose/premise?

Data or text (quote) – make sure to cite. Provide EVIDENCE used by the author to test or prove the theories presented in their work. Minimum 3 examples.
Summarize the evidence used by the author/ scholar to test or prove the theories presented in their work. (this should include quotes from the text with pg. numbers and APA citation)

Analysis/application: analyze your evidence. Explain how it proves your theory and then apply it to your thesis statement of the entire paper. Show the significance of reading and how it connects to:
    Related to the theory
    Your personal experience
    Action that can be taken to solve problems for marginalized peoples.

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