Posted: November 8th, 2014

Implementation of innovative technology in some Saudi medical education

Implementation of innovative technology in some Saudi medical education

I would like you to write a paper that will provide a theoretical framework of medical education in general and the use of technology in teaching and training. Then I would like you to provide a framework of the current case of medical education, top medical schools and the information I will provide you. Comparing the current cases of medical education with the theoretical framework, you will be able to propose implementation of technologies to improve and reform the Saudi medical education. I already have a pervious paper that touches upon the topic. I also have information about the technologies used in some medical schools that I will provide you.  I suggest using the following outline it will also have more information of what must be included:

-Theoretical Framework
–Medical education instructional approaches (ex. PBL, learner-centered)
–Technology in medical education
—-Simulations and virtual reality
This section will review literature on medical education in respect to both the clinical and pre-clinical stages of the program of study. It will examine the approaches in teaching and technologies in medical education.
-Current Framework
— Medical education in Saudi Arabia
–The situation at the world’s top medical schools in implementation of technologies
This section of the paper will view the current case in medical schools in regards to implemented and integrated technology and ICT.

– Implementation
This section will discuss and propose aspects of technology that should be implemented into the Saudi context.
— Implementation support
— Implementation requirements

** Also the number of sources is flexible to the need


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