Posted: September 13th, 2017

Importance of organizational culture

A study by the U.S. Sentencing Commission recognized the importance of organizational culture and its impact on an organization�s commitment to ethical conduct and compliance with the law (LRN, 2006). Imagine that a business of your choosing is concerned about recent ethical breaches by its employees.
The business has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the current ethical climate of the organization.
The leadership has requested that you to develop a comprehensive survey that the business can use to determine the ethical climate of the organization.

Write a in which you:
1. Provide a brief  description of the organization for which you are providing consulting services.

2. Recommend key steps that the organization can take to create a strong culture.

3. Develop an introduction paragraph to the survey explaining the tie between organizational culture and ethical conduct.

4. Designate at least two (2) groups within the organization who will take the survey, and provide a rationale as to why these two (2) groups should complete the survey.

5. Develop a one (1) paragraph invitation to participate in the survey explaining the purpose and intended use of the survey.

6. Develop criteria for conducting the ethical climate survey of the organization. The criteria should identify:
a. Who the target audience is;
b. The method by which the you will administer the survey;
c. Instructions for participants on accessing and completing the survey.

8. Write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the intent, the purpose, and expected impact of conducting the ethical climate survey.
9. Use at least three (3) quality academic references in this assignment. You may include the resource(s) provided in the assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

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