Posted: September 14th, 2017

Importance of Psychology

Importance of Psychology
Paper instructions:
Part 1 Write a 400 (minimum) -500 (maximum) word introduction to the “business” of your field for outsiders (like me) who are unfamiliar with your branch of study. What do people in your field do? Where do they work? What do they study? What kinds of questions do they ask? What kinds of methods do they use? Why is their research important? Who uses the results of their research? Who is affected by the results? You need not answer each of these questions or answer them in order. Try to create a cohesive and clear response introducing us to your field.

Part 2

Part 2 will be a personalization of this introduction: Write a 400-500 word introduction to YOUR business in the general field? What do you do and study (specifically)? What kinds of questions do you ask? What kinds of methods do you use? To do this, you might consider specialties, co-ops, favorite classes, career aspirations. Why are you interested in this field? What brought you here?

-Combine the two sections and revise, considering the feedback received. You may combine the two sections with transition words or keep them separate with clear headings.

-GRADING HIGHLIGHTS. A successful paper provides:
• A thorough but specific overview of what people in your field do/think about.
• A personal connection to and investment in the field. Why are you engaged in the field?
• Thorough analysis rather than observation. The paper should not be a surface glance (i.e. firefighters put out fires. . . . ) but an analysis of these observations (because firefighters put out fires, they have a solid understanding of both physics and chemistry. . . ).
• Appropriate audience consideration (people unfamiliar with the field). Stay away from jargon and define terms as needed.
• Clear language and few mechanical or grammatical errors.
• Citations in a noted Citation Style (AMA, APA, MLA). For this paper, sources, and therefore, citations, are optional. You may want to consult a source, and if so, please note the citation style in the header. If you choose a source, it should be thoughtful and apt. In other words, stay away from Wikipedia or dictionary definitions. Instead, you may use something like a textbook, a journal article from your field, or a website of a professional organization.


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