Posted: September 17th, 2015

Important aspects of Education

Use the article “Brainology, Transforming Students’ Motivation to Learn” to develop a 3 or 4 Column Listing Pre-Writing Strategy for your essay assignment. Each column should have a major idea you will be discussing as the column title, then the details listed below the title of the column should consist of specific information, examples, impact etc. that supports that key idea. + Begin writing your First Draft of your “Brainology” Essay
The article “Brainology” by Carol S. Dweck discusses four important aspects of education: Fixed Mindsets, Growth Mindsets, Praise for Intelligence and Praise for Effort.

Discuss each of the ideas by defining/explaining each concept in a separate paragraph. Be sure to include in your discussion how each concept impacts students learning.

Use examples from the article to show impact. Then make connections to your educational experiences and how you were impacted by these educational concepts.

The Genre of essay development you will be using for this essay is Informative/Reflective writing. Your audience you are writing for has not read the article your essay is focused on, so you will need to provide clear explanations of the ideas you discuss in your essay.

This essay should have four body paragraphs (one paragraph for each of the four key ideas above) plus the Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs. Make sure you develop a topic sentence for each of the sub-topics above at the beginning of the paragraph that discusses each idea.

In each paragraph develop specific examples that help make your ideas vivid.

Your paper should include all of the following elements: (100 pts)

 Development of a strong Introductory paragraph ending in your Thesis Statement (Hook, general intro of topic, and Thesis Statement)
 An explanation of “Fixed Mindset”, “Growth Mindset”, “Praise for Intelligence”,
and “Praise for Effort”. In your explanation, define each term and explain the impact each one has on student perspective and success.
 Use specific examples from your own educational experience to support specific impacts you have discussed.
 Develop a Conclusion paragraph (restate Thesis, summarize key ideas, and final comment connected to overall Point).


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