Posted: September 13th, 2017

In-N-Out Burger;

In-N-Out Burger;

To Situational Analysis (SWOT) of In-N-Out Burger
1.    Industry Analysis
2.    The Cooperative Environment?
3.    The Competitive Environment?
4.    The Economic Environment?
5.    The Social/Cultural Environment
6.    The Political Environment
7.    The Legal Environment
8.    The Technological Environment
You do not have to include all of these things only what you feel is important to your analysis. There is definitely room for creativity here!
List of references
No introduction and conclusion, only cover the SWOT analysis of In-N-Out Burger
Double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, and a Maximum of 15 pages in length
APA citation format

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