Posted: September 14th, 2017

In the Kilner text the author has presented a case study titled A Difficult Death.

In the Kilner text the author has presented a case study titled A Difficult Death. Four contributing authors (chapters 9-12) have then responded to this case study from their own perspective and with their own focus. Respond to this information synthesizing your conceptions with the author’s ideas into a succinct and critical response.

Textbook Readings
KKilner: Case Study 3 “Better Death,” chs. 9–12

Bible Readings
Daniel 3:1-30
Romans 8:26-28
Hebrews 11:6
John 14:26
Google this presentation:Navigating the Tough Decisions and Experiences of Life

The student’s major points are supported by:
• course reading material, lecture material or Scripture references;
• constructive examples that add to the reader’s ability to understand the topic (pertinent conceptual or personal examples are acceptable); and
• a thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts)……..

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