Posted: February 7th, 2015

In what ways, whether positive or negative, is electronic technology impacting the newspaper or magazine industries?

In what ways, whether positive or negative, is electronic technology impacting the newspaper or magazine industries? What might these changes hold for the future? Can

printed media survive the Internet? Should it?

Text Book: The Media of Mass Communication, by John Vivian. Eleventh Edition. Pearson Allyn and Bacon, 2012.

This paper for a Mass Media Communication Class
It is a general education course I am taking to help achieve my associates in paralegal

instructions: For each assignment, choose one prompt and answer it in a short essay of 1-2 double-spaced pages.  Each essay should fully consider the question(s)

and should pull from the course readings, as well as your own experiences and opinions, if applicable.  Show me that you’ve really thought about your topic and that

you have a full understanding of this issue.  Your essay should have both a strong introduction (with a thesis statement that clearly states your argument) and a

strong conclusion.

Teachers Expectations:
Uses outside sources and cites them. [Later addition: In this case by “outside sources” I mean not just the student’s own ideas or memory. I do not necessarily

mean any texts, websites, or anything else beyond the Vivian textbook except as noted in my replies to Meagan’s posts below. Here’s an improved version of this first

commonality that I have observed in papers receiving a 4.0:
Contains information or arguments from one or more reputable sources (e.g. the Vivian textbook, etc.) and cites them.]
Arguments backed up by facts (which are cited).
Grammar is good.
Excellent organization of argument.
Argument flows well from one point to the next.
Every aspect of the questions and prompts is answered. (I recommend making outlines of assignments in order to help you to do this and stay on track.)
No or almost no irrelevant topics are brought up.
Paper is much closer to the higher end of the range of acceptable length (i.e. 500 words) than to the lower end of the range (i.e. 250 words) without being prolix.
Any terms used in the description of the assignment are defined well.
Except when answering questions about one’s self (such as in response to a prompt to describe one’s own level of media literacy or one’s own history), the paper is

not a discussion of one’s own personal experiences and not written in the first person. (So, words such as “you,” “I,” “your,” “my,” and so on are not present in the

paper except in the unique situation mentioned in the previous sentence.)


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