Posted: July 25th, 2017

The incidence of chronic pulmonary disease in a community is 1.5 times greater than the national rate. If successful, which of the following interventions would provide the greatest decrease in chronic pulmonary disease in this community?

The incidence of chronic pulmonary disease in a
community is 1.5 times greater than the national
rate. If successful, which of the following
interventions would provide the greatest decrease
in chronic pulmonary disease in this community?
(A) Decrease the prevalence of cigarette
(B) Decrease radon levels in homes
(C) Increase the number of people
performing aerobic exercise
(D) Increase the rate of flu immunization
(E) Increase the rate of pneumococcal
(F) Remove asbestos from all buildings
(G) Remove lead from all gasoline and
other fuels

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