Posted: September 13th, 2017

Individual Essay – Barclays Case Study

Individual Essay – Barclays Case Study

Order Description

Individual Essay on Barclays Case Study
1. Drawing on open systems and other relevant change management theories, explain how Barclays’ changed from an organisation known for its trustworthiness, prudence

and sound business management to one renowned for financial scandal and unethical practices. What are the implications of your findings for the prospects of the

Transform programme and any future changes Barclays might wish to introduce? (25% of the word count)

2. The Salz review makes clear that cultural change for Barclays will be difficult and will take a long time. Outline some of the challenges Jenkins may face in

introducing a more ethical culture at Barclays. (25% of the word count)

3. Using the findings of the Salz report and any other relevant research and/or case studies, outline the top three change interventions that you would recommend that

Barclays should focus on in order to change its culture. You should draw on a critical evaluation of the literature to explain and support your arguments. Explain why

you think your recommendations will be effective in changing behaviour at Barclays and identify some of the potential weaknesses in your approach. (50% of the word


Use and critically evaluate relevant change management models and theories to support your arguments.
The essay should include the following:
1. Question 1: you should start with open systems theory to analyse the change. However, you should also apply any other relevant concepts, models and theories from

the literature. Make sure you critically evaluate the models, pointing out their strengths and limitations particularly in the Barclays context.
2. Question 2: do not forget to include at least one relevant example or case study in this question.
3. Question 3: at least half your essay should be dedicated to question 3. Relevant concepts, models and theories from the literature should be used to support your

top 3 recommendations. Explain why you think these 3 will be the most powerful interventions along with the potential weaknesses of your approach.
4. References: the points you make should be supported by references from the academic literature. Full bibliographic references should be included at the end.
5. Important: you will get no marks for simply repeating information that is already in the case study. If you need to refer to the case study you should use the

following in-text reference (Jalili& Blakeley, 2014). The end-of-text reference should read: Jalili, A. & Blakeley, K. (2014) Barclays Case Study (Unpublished Case

Study), University of Winchester.


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