Posted: September 16th, 2017

Industry Report

Industry Report

It is very important to stay informed of the major trends in the television industries. This semester, you submit TWO short papers of TWO page long, double-spaced reports on a set of articles from publications that focus on television and video industries. For each report, you are to read three different articles focusing on a single subject, to summarize them in the first page, and to give your professional (not personal ranting)reaction/opinion/prediction in the second page. The articles have to be on a contemporary issue(that is, less than three months old) in video production field(broadcast, cable, and webcasting). For example, one report could be on a series of articles about which media conglomerate is buying which (and why). Industry magazines are easily accessible main library in the periodical section (i.e. Broadcasting & Cable and Variety). You may also find interesting stories in the business and entertainment sections of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. Students have to have citations following a certain style (APA, Chicago, etc).

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