Posted: February 9th, 2015

Infectious Disease and Public Health

Infectious Disease and Public Health

Infectious diseases come with extremely tough challenges to mitigate them and then finally get them under control. Bringing any such infectious disease under control involves a lot of decisions and cooperation between various branches of government and the health services.
Using the Internet, choose an infectious disease that was prevalent in the United States and had lasting consequences

Infectious disease: CHOLERA

Based on your research and understanding give
•    A brief description of your chosen infectious disease along with your reasons for choosing the disease.
•    Information on the work conducted by government departments to mitigate the impact of your chosen infectious disease.
•    Investigations, research studies, and other surveillance data analyses regarding your chosen infectious disease.
•    Instances of the emergence and re-emergence of your chosen disease.
•    A brief summary of the government’s findings and investigations about your chosen disease.
•    Past, current, and ongoing research pertaining to your chosen disease.
Support your writing with relevant facts or figures and indicate your current knowledge of the infectious disease.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Provided a brief description of your chosen infectious disease along with your reasons for choosing the disease.
Provided information on the work conducted by government departments to mitigate the impact of your chosen infectious disease.
Provided data about investigations, research studies, and other surveillance data analyses regarding your chosen infectious disease.
Provided instances of the emergence and re-emergence of your chosen disease.
Provided a brief summary of the government’s findings and investigations about your chosen disease.
Explained past, current, and ongoing research pertaining to your chosen disease.
Written components (language, grammar, spelling, APA style).

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