Posted: September 17th, 2017


Purpose: To write a proposal that demonstrates the elements of an effective argument.
1-A proposal argument
a-Identifies and defines the problem
b-States a proposed solution
c-Convinces readers that the proposed solution is fair and will work
d-Demonstrates that the solution is feasible
2-Makes an arguable claim
3-Considers multiple perspectives-anticipates and responds to likely objections
4-Identifies and integrates credible and relevant sources
5-Written for the intended purpose and audience
6-Adequately supports claims with relevant evidence and reasoning(Sufficient, Typical, Adequate, Relevant).
Sources required: 6-8 sources(academic, credible, reliable). At least six-eight different sources must be used with NOT more than two deriving from the internet.Source information gained from the library databases is not considered internet sources. Information gained from reference sources such as an encyclopedia( or a dictionary will not count as acceptable source material. The more authoritative sources used, the more convincing the research looks;the fewer authoritative sources used, the less credible the research looks. Sources can be in the form of journals, magazine articles, books, newspapers, government documents, etc.Question and challenge a source’s credibility by examining the author’s credentials, assumptions, affiliations, and implications, all of which could be used in the paper’s discussion.

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