Posted: September 16th, 2017

Information system

Information system

Access database assignment
You operate a small share trading business, buying and selling shares for a small group of investors and companies.  To date you have used a spread sheet to record

transactions but you have decided to adopt a database approach as you have been told this is a better way of operating your business.
A design has been prepared by an outside consultant but as you have some knowledge of Access, you have decided to complete the task yourself.
You have been given the table structure of the database and notice that three tables have been suggested. These are listed below.The field names detailed in bold are

kAey fields
1.    Trades(Transaction ID, client ID, share code, transaction date, no bought/ sold, transaction price/share)(Figure 1)

Figure 1: Trades table (design view)
2.    Company(share code, share name,  sector) (Figure 2)

Figure 2: Company table (design view)
At present you have transaction data and company details stored in a spreadsheet and you realise this will need to be transferred from the supplied Excel spreadsheet

into the Access database after the file has been created.The Excel file is  SHARETRADES T2 2012.XLXS which is located on the subject portal. You will need to modify

the field sizes in all text fields (see figure 3) and to add in the design view some simple comments in the description column that describe the purpose of the field.
You have kept client details in a separate list and this will need to be entered into the database file after you have created the appropriate table for the data.  You

also trade shares for your own private needs and have decided to include the details in the database. Client address details (suburb only) should be included

3.    Client(client ID, client name, client address)(Figure 3)

Figure 3: Client table (design view)
Client details that you need to enter into Access are as follows (Figure 4)

Figure 4: Client table (data table view)
Once the tables have been transferred into Access and the additional table created you will need establish relationshipsand enforce referential integrity which you

will use to establish queries. The relationship will involve three tables – Trades, Client & Company
Create a query (name this qry_reporting) to display client ID, client name, client address, Transaction ID, transaction date, no bought/ sold, transaction price/share,

share code, share name, and sector.
Based on this query, create a second query (name this qry_transaction) to display client ID, client name, client address, Transaction ID, transaction date, no bought/

sold, transaction price/share, share code, share name, sector and the amount involved. This will require the inclusion of a calculated field.
You are aware of the forms feature of Access and have decided you will need several different forms toperform a number of tasks. Appearance of the form is at your

a)    Add new clients or editing existing client details (fig 5).

Figure 5: Client details form
b)    Add/edit share details (fig 6).

Figure 6: Share details
The form should incorporate control buttons to navigate through records. A minimum of two buttons is required to ADD A RECORD and to display the LAST RECORD.

c)    Display client details and associated share trades to be displayed (fig 7).

Figure 7: Client share trades
d)    Two of your clients, Polar Tradingand Making Money have placed orders for Origin Energy shares of 1200 and 500 each respectively.  You will need to enter

Origin Energy as a new company, requiring the ASX code to be found along with the current price for these shares. Origin Energy is a utilities company supplying

electricity and gas to consumers in Australia.A new client Frugal Finance Pty Ltd placed orders on 22nd September 2011for 3500 Biota shares and sold them on 3rd April

2012. The code for Biota is BTA.ASX. You will need to locate the prices of the shares on the trading days.
Several reports are needed which need to be appropriately named.The final appearance of the reports is at your discretion.
The required reports are:
a)    Trading activity summary of shares traded                        The output may look something like this (fig 8)

Figure 8: Trading summary
b)    Trading activity grouped by client and sorted on trades(fig 9).

Figure 9: Segment of trading report
c)    A monthly trading activity report and sorted by client then by share.
d)    A trading activity reportdisplaying only the shares sold, grouped by client and sorted by share with calculated field for share trades for each company


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