Posted: December 6th, 2014



Order Description

Based on the given case study in attachment file , you may select any other IT systems Failure in an organization in the UK or any other country. You should briefly outline the organization and systems failure incident you are discussing to provide the background /context for your report.

The board have asked for a full report and asked that the report address and discuss the following issues:

1. Evaluate the current management information system application opportunities generally in industry, AND more specific to the business 25%
2. The reasons for and symptoms of the failures, discussing the impact of the failures on the customers and relationship with them. 20%
3. Recommendations and lessons for the future in such organizations for monitoring and controlling the operations of IT systems with a clear strategy to manage the IT systems in future. 25%
4. Describe using examples, the types of decisions that can be supported by IS applications within the business 20%
Structure, executive summary, referencing & presentation 10%

Guidance notes
You are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding from your individual research and wider reading. Your work must be presented in essay format style. As an academic piece of work you are expected to link theory and practice. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit has a high standard of presentation. You must acknowledge the sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system. All assignments are subject to the University’s regulations on plagiarism and must be submitted in electronic form for checking.

Online informal website references are limited used with maximum two. Only academic ones are permitted and all in Havard format.

• Provide a comprehensive study of the use of information systems for management.
• Provide a focus on the development and effective use of management information systems in today’s companies’ decision-making and an examination of traditional information systems development from the end-user’s perspective.
• Evaluate and interpret the understanding of managerial decision
• making and the practical application of information systems to enhance the organisation’s effectiveness in achieving its goals.
• Enable students to comprehensively understand the use of applications software to develop individual applications that solve business problems.
• Develop and introduce a framework for investigating the opportunities and problems associated with computer-based management
• information system that will provide the background for determining the usefulness of computers to assist management in the planning and control of business operation.

Upon completion of the module the student will be able to:
LO1 – Identify, diagnose and evaluate management information system application opportunities in business and industry.
LO2 – Understand and differentiate between the types of decisions that can be supported by computer-based IS applications.
LO3 – Describe and demonstrate the understanding of the application of computer-based applications in the major functional areas of business, including accounting, finance, marketing, and manufacturing.
LO4 – Systematically evaluate the issues involved in the development and deployment of management information systems.
LO5 – Perform the necessary requirements analysis for an MIS application

Online informal website references are limited used with maximum two. Only academic ones are permitted and all in Havard format.


British Home Office – Government finally ends e-Borders programme
Date : March 2014  Cost : £224M

Synopsis: (Adapted from various sources – computerworlduk, 2014)
With changing security threats, securing a country’s borders has become an ever increasing priority. The United Kingdom’s efforts to secure their borders has suffered a significant setback after the now cancelled ‘e-Borders’ project has resulted in a £224M settlement in favour of the suppliers of the system.

Recognizing the threat to the UK the British Labour led government initiated the e-Borders project in 2003. Aimed at checking all movements into and out of the island nation, the project was intended to establish the levels of border control needed to address immigration and security concerns. Following project kick-off a pilot implementation was completed and in 2007 a contract was signed with a consortium led by Raytheon Systems to develop the full scale system. Reports of problems emerged in 2008 as the British Home Office complained that key milestones were being missed. Problems continued for a number of years and following the election of the new Conservative government in 2010, the Raytheon contract was terminated. Although the project itself soldiered on, continual failures to deliver resulted in the project itself being cancelled in March 2014. The project’s requirements have now been reallocated to other ongoing initiatives or projects as the UK government continues its efforts to achieve the goals originally set back in 2003.
While the project itself clearly encountered significant difficulties, perhaps the most embarrassing misstep is the handling of the Raytheon contract. Following the contract’s termination in 2010, Raytheon threatened to sue the British government. Claiming up to £500M in damages, Raytheon argued that the lengthy delays were caused by the UK Border Agency’s mismanagement of the project rather than deficiencies in their own execution. Rather than going to court, the parties agreed to use binding arbitration. That process reached its conclusion in Aug 2014 with the arbitrators finding in favour of Raytheon.  The £224M settlement includes £50m in damages, £126m for work completed prior to the contract being terminated, £10m to settle complaints relating to changes to the original contract and £38m in interest payments.

You may select any other IT systems failure in an organization in the UK or any other country. You should briefly outline the organization and systems failure incident you are discussing to provide the   background /context for your   report.

The board have asked for a full report and asked that the report address and discuss the following issues:

1.    Evaluate the current management information system application opportunities generally in industry, AND more specific to the business                     25%
2.    The reasons for and symptoms of the failures, discussing the impact of the failures on the customers and relationship with them.                        20%
3.    Recommendations and lessons for the future in such organizations for monitoring and controlling the operations of IT systems with a clear strategy to manage the IT systems in future.                                        25%
4.    Describe using examples, the types of decisions that can be supported by IS applications within the business                                20%
Structure, executive summary, referencing & presentation            10%

Guidance notes
You are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding from your individual research and wider reading. Your work must be presented in essay format style. As an academic piece of work you are expected to link theory and practice. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit has a high standard of presentation. You must acknowledge the sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system. All assignments are subject to the University’s regulations on plagiarism and must be submitted in electronic form for checking.

•    Provide a comprehensive study of the use of information systems for management.
•    Provide a focus on the development and effective use of management information systems in today’s companies’ decision-making and an examination of traditional information systems development from the end-user’s perspective.
•    Evaluate and interpret the understanding of managerial decision
•    making and the practical application of information systems to enhance the organisation’s effectiveness in achieving its goals.
•    Enable students to comprehensively understand the use of applications software to develop individual applications that solve business problems.
•    Develop and introduce a framework for investigating the opportunities and problems associated with computer-based    management
•    information system that will provide the background for determining the usefulness of computers to assist management in the planning and control of business operation.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the module the student will be able to:
LO1 – Identify, diagnose and evaluate management information system application opportunities in business and industry.
LO2 – Understand and differentiate between the types of decisions that can be supported by computer-based IS applications.
LO3 – Describe and demonstrate the understanding of the application of computer-based applications in the major functional areas of business, including accounting, finance, marketing, and manufacturing.
LO4 – Systematically evaluate the issues involved in the development and deployment of management information systems.
LO5 – Perform the necessary requirements analysis for an MIS application


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