Posted: September 13th, 2017

Informative Reaction Paragraph

After viewing the sample Informative Speech, review the rubric on the pages that follow the Informative Speech Assignment. This is the rubric that will be used to evaluate your Informative Speech.

In at least one paragraph (5-6 sentences), evaluate this speech while using the rubric to justify the score and evaluation of this speech. Discuss what went well with the speech and/or what is to be improved upon.Explain why you would give this speaker a “4” vs. a “5” in a particular category.
Example: The speaker did not orally cite the required number of sources, so the speaker received a “4” for Research and Credibility.
Note: For this assignment, when you get to the Outline section of the rubric, mark that the student has turned in the outline with references and both submission met all APA requirements.

Use this speech example as a template for your assignment, as it is the minimum level expected from all students.

As for all written assignments, be sure that your submission meets APA requirements. If you are unfamiliar with APA, visit to get started.
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