Posted: July 20th, 2015



Please pick up a topic yourself. It can be any real-life RECENT application (within the past 12 months or so) of any principles in physics 1B. You may want to start by searching some keys words on Google.
Grading Rubrics:
Please use scientific data/evidence to support your statements in the following rubrics.
1. Explain the new invention/research result (what is it) and its application in real-life (how it works) accompanied by graphs and diagrams if it applicable.
2. Physics principals/laws involved in/related to this application(which part/function).
3. What are the new advancements/discoveries made, the stage of this new development applicable to real-life, remaining tasks to yield the final outcomes/product.
4. The impact/benefits that this new application to our everyday life and its importance.
Content: minimum of three-full-pages of text PLUS a reference list, graphs and data tables are additional.

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