Posted: July 21st, 2015

Instructional Activity PaperPaper details

Choose four instructional activities of Understanding Reading Problems that could be used with your 2nd grade client. You can also choose interventions from the websites listed: Write a 100 to 150 word rationale for EACH of the chosen activities telling how each could support your client and their instructional needs. This should not be a summary of each activity; rather, ti should be a detailed explanation of why you feel the activity will benefit your client. Be sure to refer to the assessments you gave your client to support why you chose the activities. (For example, “When I administered the IRI to my client John, I noticed that he had trouble sounding out unfamiliar words in the reading passages. In particular, he had trouble choosing the correct vowel sounds for unfamiliar words. I felt that this phonics activity would help him learn the sounds of different vowel patterns and apply these skills when decoding new words. Implement one of the activities with your client. Write a 350-700 word reflection describing the implementation of the activity and the results. How did this activity affect your client’s instructional needs?


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