Posted: January 27th, 2017

How to integrate Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model with expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory as a solution.

Borrowed theory are nursing theory borrowed from other disciplines.  Nola Pender developed the Health Promotion Model to guide nurses in promotion of wellness and illnesses prevention.  The expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory were the two borrowed theory integrated into the Health Promotion Model (HPM).  Describes how borrowed theory (expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory) along with the HPM can be utilize to improve patient education in primary care clinic. The paper should include the following:


1. A description of a borrowed theory (expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory) that could be applied to improve health promotion patient education in primary care clinic. Is this borrowed theory appropriate?


2. A brief history of the borrowed (expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory) theory’s origins.


3. A discussion of how the borrowed theory (expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory) has been previously applied.


4. A discussion of the possible application of the borrowed theory (expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory)   to improve health promotion patient education in primary care clinic.


5. How to integrate Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model with expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory as a solution.


-Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.


-3-5 references


-1500 words

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