Posted: September 5th, 2015

Intelligence Community

Objective: This assignment, in accordance with undergraduate academic endeavors, provides an opportunity to evaluate assimilation of course topics, and sharpen and evaluate students’ research & critical thinking skills. The exclusive use of required texts and readings from this course is mandatory.
Type: This assignment consists of a research-analysis paper approximately six pages in length, double-spaced (This page count does not include a title page, abstract (optional), table of contents (optional), Reference listing page(s), or end-notes page(s) (if used)). The source material should result primarily from self-led research of the required texts and readings from this course. The paper should have approximately six pages of content which are the written results of your research efforts.

Topic: Choose two of the following questions/issues, and write approximately 3 pages on each question/issues that you select:
– Compare and contrast US CI to that of a foreign country’s CI/security services.
– What are the lasting ramifications of a past CI operation (such as COINTELPRO, VENONA, etc.)?
– Is the current state of CI in the Intelligence Community adequate? Why or why not?
– Explain the responsibility of CI in a major Intelligence failure, such as Pearl Harbor, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Tet Offensive 1968, the Yom Kippur War, or the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US, etc.
– Any other relevant CI topic (not previously used in academic papers) pre-agreed with Professor.

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