Posted: February 8th, 2015

Intercessory Prayer

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Write 250-500 words, using the Hollywell and Walker article.
Present critical thinking and honest reflection on the article from your selected perspective.
Be sure to include related stories from the Bible references on healing and prayer

IAH 204 Unit Four Essay Topic

In this essay, we would like you to meditate on the significance of colonialism. Please

write a 4-6 page double-spaced essay that assesses what you have learned so far about

empire, colonization, and colonialism. In your essay, you MUST discuss Salman

Rushdie’s novel, Midnight’s Children, but you may center or de-center the book in your

essay depending on the thesis statement or argument you choose.

If you choose to make Rushdie’s book the main focus of your essay, please answer the

following question, using specific examples for the text:

One literary critic said that “the personal is political in Salman Rushdie’s novel,

Midnight’s Children. How does Rushdie use the experiences of individuals to explore

and meditate on the colonial encounter?

If you choose to de-center Rushdie’s book, please answer the following question:

What is/was the significance of the colonial encounter in Asia? (You may choose to

write about Asia as a region or about a specific place within the region.)

Regardless of topic, all essays must do the following:

Include specific examples from Midnight’s Children.

Include specific examples from relevant lectures (and from assigned readings other than

Midnight’s Children where appropriate.)

Your primary task in this essay is to engage with the issues we have raised in class about

the nature of empire. As always, a 4.0 essay will go beyond simply answering the

assigned question to make a larger argument.

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