Posted: February 18th, 2015

Intercultural Studies

Response paper: Intercultural Studies

This is a ‘response paper’.
>>Edward T. Hall and Mildred T. Hall say that, “The essence of effective cross cultural communication has more to do with releasing the right responses than with sending the ‘right’ messages.” Using one of the key concepts found in Key Concepts – Underlying Structures of Culture, explain what this quotation means to you.
1.    I will upload “ICC KEY CONCEPTS – Hall and Hall” file.
2.    2 page (2 full pages) and double spaced, 12 sized font, Times New Roman.
3.    Papers will be evaluated based on your understanding of the material, application of concepts and ideas, and clarity of your writing. All response papers should also be thoughtful, engaged, developed and responsive as well.
4.    I will upload “ICC Class Notes” file.
5.    I think you need to provide some examples/experience (either personal or general). When you are using personal examples, please avoid ‘too personal’ examples. (p.s I am a female).
6.    I don’t want wordy sentences. I want a simple(avoid repeating similar idea), clear, and thoughtful paper. Also, please avoid too academic words. You don’t have to use difficult words.
7.    You may use outside source. If you do, please cite the source properly.
Thank you.

? Discuss the following questions in your groups
1. Explain how cultures approach context. Provide a hypothetical and personal
2. How do cultures view time differently? Provide a hypothetical and personal
3. How are cultural behaviors influenced by space. Provide a hypothetical and
personal ex.
4. Discuss how low contextual cultures interact with high context cultures.
5. How does space communicate power? Provide an example.
6. Explain how polychronic and monochronic cultures clash with each other.
7. Edward T Hall says, “The essence of effective cross cultural communication
has more to do with releasing the right responses than with sending the ‘right’
messages.” What did he mean by this?

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