Posted: September 13th, 2017

International Human resource management

International Human resource management

Order Description

Question- What is meant by employee relations in today’s work organizations? Discuss some of the key contemporary issues in this field. Illustrate your answers with

examples. we must discuss either the good or bad practices and describe how it can be improved. It this case we can only choose ONE. I have chosen bad practice. Writer

must find 4 good ACTUAL case studies and apply to the essay.

How this essay report should be done?

1.0 Introduction
1.11-Define employee relations in general with a few references.
1.12 The theories of application ( Unitarist, plularist and marxist)
1.13 What is good practice and what is bad practice?
Include simple diagrams for good practice and bad practice. (For bad practice, the diagram can be based from the four case studies that are chosen by the writer. Each

diagram has four points.

2.0 Main body
2.12 -Definition of bad point chosen from first case study
-Introduce the case study
-How it can be improved
-Include another theory for better result

2.13 -Definition of bad point chosen from second case study
-Introduce case study
– How it can be improved
-Include another theory for better result

2.14- Definition of bad point from third case study chosen
-Introduce case study
-How it can be improved
-Include another theory for better result

2.15- Definition of bad point from third case study chosen
-Introduce case study
-How it can be improved
-Include another theory for better result

3.0 Conclusion and recommendation

4.0 References

when doing the references, please include the in-text and add the date and page number for the in-text as well.

take note, case study has to be an actual one and a company issue and once all four case studies are found, please show it to me.


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