Posted: September 16th, 2017

International or woman filmmaker research paper;

International or woman filmmaker research paper;


Choose an international woman filmmaker o a filmmaker whose work deals with cultural and feminine issues in film. Research the filmmaker and his or her body of work and explain the issues they deal with that relate to the images of different cultures or women in film.
View at least three films that the filmmaker has made and explain the differences and similarities. Does this filmmaker have a point he or she is trying to get across as it pertains to culture, race, ethnicity or gender?
Is this point of view present throughout the body of their work?
Your paper should answer some of the following questions:
Who is the filmmaker?
According to your research, what is the common thread found in their films?
What elemments are present in all of their films?
What is the common thread found in their films?
What are the similarities and differences in the stories?
Does this filmmaker have a distinct Point of view?
Does the filmmaker have an agenda they are trying to get across?
How are the films different from other mainstream films?
What are the similarities and diffrences in the stories?
What is the visual design like in the films?

Structure and writing
Develop an original thesis that explains why this filmmaker was chosen and about his or her body of work critically impacts the world when it comes to culture, race, ethnicity and gender.
The best way to structure the introductory paragraph is to select a few specific aspects about the filmmaker’s work that you want to discuss or analyze in detail and them relate them to your thesis statement .
Clearly state your thesis and then preview your points. Make sure the subject of your paper reflects your thesis.
Structure the rest of the essay with well-written logical paragraphs that all include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Theses should all support the thesis statement that you came up with in the introduction paragraph. In other words the points brought up in the introduction paragraph should be looked at in more detail throughout the body of the paper and should all reflect your thesis.
DO NOT just give a description of what the film is about or give plot description. This is an analytical essay.
Research and sources
Three sources are required for this assignment.
You will need to research the filmmaker’s body of work and his or her life to see how they have impacted the film industry.
All sources must be cited within the body of the paper and on a reference page or bibliography at the end.
Writing conventions
Use italics for movie and book title. Ex Alfred Hitchcock directed Pshyco In 1960.
DO not use I, you, we, me etc.
Do not use Contractions
Always write in the present tense
No Wikipedia

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