Posted: February 18th, 2015

International Purchasing & Supply Chain Management."Research Reports"

International Purchasing & Supply Chain Management.”Research Reports”

Research Report
Complete a research report to analyze the supply chain simulation results. You will need to use the final result data to present what is bullwhip effect in the supply chain; critically evaluates the reasons of why this happened in the supply chain and its impacts on supply chain management; and discuss the strategies and approaches of how you could mitigate the supply chain risks because of the bullwhip effects.
Please make full use of the data in the simulation game to support your analysis in the reflective report.
Length 3,000 words and due date: 10.March.2015
The marking criteria that will be used for each assignment:
Marking Criteria
Marks allocated to criteria:
Does the essay set up a clear essay question to address? Does the essay stay within and fulfil the topic parameters?
Does the essay bring together the literature in a significant manner that addresses an essay question?
Does the essay indicate a comprehensive understanding of the topic area and literature discussed?
Clarity of structure
Is the essay well organised and logically constructed to achieve synthesis while being mindful of the needs of the reader?
Mechanical Soundness
Is the essay clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound and referenced appropriately?

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