Posted: September 13th, 2017

International Research


Book is:
Aaker, D. A., Kumar, V., Leone, R. P., & Day, G. S. (2013). Marketing research (11th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9781118156636

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In this case assignment, you will analyze an international marketing research case and provide recommendations. You will evaluate potential demand, competition, consumer receptiveness, location, and brand new for a new product in India. Use Case 23-4, Hokey Pokey Is Born in India, on pages 633–634 in your Marketing Research textbook.

For the purposes of this assignment, you will want to incorporate the answers to the five questions at the end of the case into a cohesive essay that is 2–4 pages long.

Scoring criteria:
•Analyze international marketing opportunity and competition.
•Analyze case facts related to the scope of product offering.
•Apply marketing mix measures in research to the global marketplace.
•Analyze branding and determine suitability of brand name.
International Research Scoring Guide Grading Rubric Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Analyze international marketing opportunity and competition. 25% Does not identify international marketing opportunity and competition. Briefly describes some potential marketing opportunity and competition. Analyzes international marketing opportunity and competition. Provided detailed analysis of potential marketing opportunity and competition with justification and supports conclusions with references.
Analyze case facts related to the scope of product offering. 25% Does not describe case facts related to the scope of product offering. Briefly describes potential scope and product offerings. Analyzes case facts related to the scope of product offering. Provides detailed analysis of potential scope and product offerings with examples and justification.
Apply marketing mix measures in research to the global marketplace. 25% Does not describe marketing mix measures in research to the global marketplace. Identifies marketing mix measures, but does not apply to the global marketplace. Applies marketing mix measures in research to the global marketplace. Applies marketing mix measures in research to the global marketplace; demonstrates insight into global considerations.
Analyze branding and determine suitability of brand name. 25% Does not address branding or determine suitability of brand name. Partially addresses branding and suitability of brand name. Analyzes branding and determines suitability of brand name. Provides thorough analysis of branding with criteria and suitability of brand name.
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