Posted: June 20th, 2013

Interview—Management Functions and Roles, Part 2

Interview—Management Functions and Roles, Part 2

Paper instructions:
Interview a health care administrator from a named (hospital,clinic,nursing home or a home health care company) and write a paper under the following heading using APA 6 standard and at least 3 references.CLICK HERE TO GET MORE………
Discuss the significance of one or more of the following health care management functions in general and for this organization in particular: performance evaluation and improvement, budgeting/reimbursement, and strategic planning.
Summarize current practices or activities related to the function, as well as technical, human relations/interpersonal, and conceptual skills needed to fulfill them.
Analyze key challenges related to this function. Consider similarities and differences with other organizations based on what you have read and heard in the Learning Resources and/or your own experiences.
Propose one or more strategies, best practices, or management competencies that could aid the organization in addressing these challenges.CLICK HERE TO GET MORE………

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