Posted: September 16th, 2017

Intro to Finance

Forum Topic Responses: One comprehensive forum topic response is assigned weekly. Students are required to select and research one of the forum topics listed below using a minimum of 3 reference sources in addition to the textbook and then write a 1,000-word or more response to the forum topic. Post the topic response in this forum no later than Day 2 of this week. APA format is required. Also submit your forum topic response to Turnitin through the Weekly Materials/Week 1/Assignment Submission folder for grading.

Comprehensive forum topic response contributions will be critically graded on the thought quality of the response, work effort, research, APA format, and analysis. Refer to the rubric for this assignment in the Syllabus section of Blackboard.

Select one of the following forum topics to research and write about. MINIMUM 1000 words  3 APA

Week 2 Forum Topics – Chapter 2: Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes; Chapter 3: Analysis of Financial Statements

-The Income Statement

-The Balance Sheet

-The Importance of Cash Flow to a Corporation

-The Federal Income Tax System (Web Extension 2A)

-Ratios and Ratio Analysis

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