Posted: May 31st, 2016

Introduce normal physiological concepts that will help set the framework for discussing the pathological events.

–Abstract (+ 4 points)

–Introduction (+ 8 points)

  • Place the study in historical or social context.
  • Introduce normal physiological concepts that will help set the framework for discussing the pathological events.

–Case Report (+ 8 points)

  • Patient History, Symptoms, complaints
  • Differential Diagnosis – 3 to 4 different possible diagnosis based on the patient’s history, symptoms and complaints

–Results (+ 10 points)

  • Description of test and why it was done
  • Specific results of each test (i.e. don’t just say that there are malignant characteristics found in the histology images, but rather the characteristics that make it malignant cells).
  • Start ruling out your different diagnoses

–Discussion (+ 20 points)

  • Provide a complete physiological and/or pathophysiological explanation (include cellular and molecular events when applicable) based on concepts learned throughout the quarter for everything that was observed.

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