Posted: February 6th, 2017

investigate the food you ate in greater detail focusing on nutrition labeling and the macro-nutrients

Nutrition part 2

This assignment builds on your first assignment. We are going to investigate the food you ate in greater detail focusing on nutrition labeling and the macro-nutrients you have learned about in the last few weeks. For this assignment, you will complete the attached worksheet using your food record and your All Daily Report from Assignment 1.

Download the worksheet to your computer. Answer the questions using your food record and All Daily Report from Assignment 1. Save the completed file with your name in the file title. When you are done, upload the file into the assignment area.

application/pdf iconnutrition_report.pdf
application/msword iconnutritionpaper.doc
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document iconassignment2form3-2015.docx

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